An Exclusive Opportunity To Live Life At A Level Few Ever Attain

You’re Only ONE Big Insight Away…
Dear Fellow Action Taker,
Throughout my 15+ years of working with thousands of people from over 87 countries around the world… I have come to realize ONE THING…
There’s always ONE big insight…

ONE “key thing” that, when identified, will totally transform your life — in relationships, dating, or lifestyle.
And if you can find it and use it…
It’ll unlock crucial opportunities…
It’ll send you over the Tipping Point…
Everything will change… and faster than you would possibly imagine!
The first time I discovered this truth...
I first discovered this truth when I was in middle school.
I was really into playing jazz saxophone back then, and I was the lead sax player in the regional "touring band." (Not a big deal, I know, but I was proud of it :P)

With just ONE small change, he fixed a BIG problem I had been struggling with for over half a year!

Maybe you're only "ONE Big Insight" away from unlocking your success...
Maybe you're like my client Jim...
He’s originally from California, in his mid-thirties, and one of my private mentorship clients.
He had most of his life together — successful professional, driving his dream car, living in a great neighborhood overlooking the ocean — except his love life was non-existent.
Despite trying to get dates for several years, he rarely got past a third date with a woman and never had a girlfriend.
When he first came to me for mentorship, he seemed confident, articulate, and well put together. I couldn’t tell why women weren’t all over this guy.
And then we went out to the bar together, and I watched as his voice and mannerisms completely changed when he was flirting with women.
It’s like he was trying to do (a very bad) impersonation of Vince Vaughn’s character from Wedding Crashers.
He started talking really fast, his voice went up an octave, and he was waving his hands around a lot when talking.
I pulled him aside and asked him why his voice and body language changed all of a sudden.
It turns out he thought that’s what the ladies liked!
We found a quiet cafe nearby and worked on his vocal tonality and body language… for just 15 minutes.
Turns out just a few simple but powerful tweaks in his mindset, voice, and movement was all it took to make him as smooth as James Bond.
That night, he got many numbers from attractive women and quickly went on to enjoy dating multiple women and having the time of his life.
Just one “big insight” for Jim was enough to solve what he’d been struggling with for several years.
Since then, we found many more “key insights” for his life that have unlocked deeper purpose, passion, and happiness in not just his relationships and dating, but also his career and life overall.
Now, Jim’s first big insight was about his voice and gesticulating.
But yours probably isn’t. You see…
What’s crazy is that everybody’s “Big Insight” is different
I’ve worked with hundreds of clients in person and thousands online, and every time, I just found ONE THING at a time and focused on that. One “Key Insight” that took them over the Tipping Point to success.
Look, 2021 marks my FIFTEENTH year of leading people to succeed in their love lives and find fulfillment.
That’s 5,475 days of experience… and counting.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned that’s had a bigger impact than everything else, it’s the ONE THING: Find the “Big Key.”
Everyone has one “Key Insight” that unlocks total transformation for them.
Imagine what could happen if you found your “One Key Insight”…
Imagine how that would change your life…
You could have a stress-free, intimate relationship, full of passion and pleasure…
…with the one who is your ideal partner…. who loves you deeply for your true self.
You could discover and live your life purpose, excited and energized to begin each day… and immersed in the enjoyment of the present moment…
You could experience success in your career, in which you find constant flow and meaning…
You could have a great group of supportive friends who you love traveling and getting into adventures with… who also challenge you and hold you accountable….
You could live the lifestyle you only dream of now…
All by finding that ONE big insight…

But finding it can be hard. It can take years of trial and error. And most people go through life never finding their one big key.
The good news is.
I can find your ONE KEY *for* you!
…You don’t have to worry about wasting time or resources on a whole bunch of ideas that don’t work for you.
…You don’t have to put even more on your to-do list.
All you have to do is that ONE THING that I uncover for you…
And you could completely change your relationships, social life, and lifestyle… without wasting your valuable time or effort reinventing the wheel.
Does That Sound Like Something You’d Be Interested In?
If it is, I can help you.
But there’s more to this…
Getting amazing results and actually pulling this off is — like most important things — harder than it looks.
And making lasting, permanent changes in your life takes time, effort, and energy.
So for me to really help you, I need to work with you for about a year.
If you’re interested in working together…
Here’s what I’ve got.
Your Fast Track To The Good Life
Limited to a dozen serious leaders worldwide, the elite members of the Mastermind will receive a level of personalized coaching, support, and mentorship previously unavailable... all focused on helping YOU find and use YOUR One Big Key. It is my privilege to invite you to apply for a coveted place in our Aura Mastermind.

What Is The "Aura Mastermind"?
As a member of the Aura Mastermind, you will enjoy an unparalleled opportunity to be mentored and coached closely by David Tian, Ph.D., and for personal, private access to one of the most successful and supportive mentorship groups in the world.
Our members and honorary guests have included some of the world's top dating and relationship coaches, psychotherapists and psychologists, meditation and wellness experts, the co-founder of a multi-Billion-dollar company, an entrepreneur who oversaw multiple exits and an IPO, the co-founder of a profitable startup with a 9-figure valuation, the director of one of the largest fund management companies in the world, an entrepreneur and owner of one of the world's highest ranked F&B venues, as well as senior directors of Fortune 100 companies, specialist medical doctors, thriving digital nomads, and the list goes on. Plus, there's me. I'm no slouch either.
If you're seriously considering applying for the Aura Mastermind, you’re an individual who has the highest of standards. And that means you’re someone who’s not willing to settle for an average life, love, or relationships.

You also understand that the most direct strategy to an extraordinary life is to join a mentorship group that plays at a higher level than you're used to...
A mentorship group that will challenge you and not just support you...
A mentorship group whose expectations of you will elevate you to higher levels.
So, take this journey with us.
Our main focus is on finding your ONE THING, perfecting it, and following through.
Once that’s done, we find the next BIG KEY for you and implement that so you can level up.
You probably first came to know about Aura while searching for success with relationships. So it starts and ends with love. Every great love begins with an incredible journey, some alone, some together — but the path ultimately leads to the area of life that creates the greatest level of joy, ecstasy, and fulfillment.
In the Aura Mastermind, you will discover how to ignite your passions, surge past the limiting beliefs we all clutch so tightly, and relax into the peace and joy of deep connection.
Your Path To Success Is In This Group
As you can see, the Aura Mastermind is about more than mastering dating or relationships. It is a life-transforming adventure. Your tenure in the Aura Mastermind will feature at least four areas...

Regardless if you're currently part of a couple or single, you will learn how to truly discover, connect with, and sustain your dream vision of sensual and romantic love, as well as master your social life and create an enriching social circle of friends and confidantes
Psychological Mastery

Unlock and unleash the potential and power of your conscious and unconscious mind to fill with the drive and passion to fulfill your dream destiny. Master how to control your emotions (instead of them controlling you) so that they empower you to realise your goals and lead you to the heights of bliss and happiness
Lifestyle & Wealth

The Aura Mastermind has been blessed with some of the sharpest minds in business and productivity.
As a member of this Mastermind, you will be equipped with proven strategies and insights to immediately enhance the quality of your life
Fitness & Health

One of the most important factors to enjoying an extraordinary quality of life is Energy! You will learn how to renew your energy with fitness, health, and psychological strategies that enable you to experience the vibrant health and vitality you deserve.
The Aura Mastermind is designed and optimized to help you realize and fulfill your deepest and most fundamental human needs. Your Mastermind journey will cast your limiting fears and beliefs like ashes into the sunset as you open your heart and mind to enjoy the most rewarding experience of your life so far. And that's just the beginning.
But Before You Apply...
Let Me Explain A Few Things.
To be frank, this isn’t for everybody.
Membership applications to the Aura Mastermind are only accepted a few times a year. On average, we receive dozens of requests to join each time, but we accept relatively few applications in each round.
So with that in mind, here are some things to consider before you apply.
The Aura Mastermind has a strict, no douchebags or bitches policy. If you are negative or close-minded, you will be removed from the group. We like a good joke. We eat well, we drink well, we celebrate well, and we enjoy the finer things in life, however, at the end of the day, this is a group for people to improve their lives in health, wealth, relationships, and happiness, so if you detract more than you contribute, you'll be asked to leave.
The Aura Mastermind will show what your authentic self is really like. Pride and posturing has no place in the Aura Mastermind.
Moreover, you have to be willing to travel and to be able to afford to do so.
Successful people do successful things.
We'll be staying in top 5-star hotels around the world. We'll be dining in award-winning restaurants. We'll be frequenting the world's best bars and nightspots. And we indulge.
The Aura Mastermind will give you a chance to really TASTE success, and learn how to live a success filled life. But if you're the kind of person who never picks up the tab, then this probably isn't the right group for you.
The Mastermind is only for people who are serious about it and are in the habit of taking action.
So What Does The Aura Mastermind Journey Really Feel Like?
The "Summits" are the core feature of the Aura Mastermind membership. The membership clock for new members begins only once they attend their first live event.
We host our exclusive, closed-door Summits at least three times each year… at luxurious locations in North America, Europe, and Asia... where the focus is on finding and applying YOUR One Big Thing... and at which we will enjoy some incredible adventures together.

At our Mastermind Summits, while I will present brand new, never-before-released insights and material, revealing secrets I’ve never taught before...
Our entire focus is on finding your ONE THING, perfecting it, and following through.
Once that’s done, we find the next BIG KEY and implement that so you can level up.
In addition, our Mastermind mentors -- comprised of our Advisory Board members and special guest speakers -- present cutting edge knowledge and research from their fields of expertise to help transform your life and lead you to success.
If you miss two or more Summits during your membership year, you'll be able to attend another the following year, complimentary.
At these Summits, you'll get focused strategy time to actually take a step back from the hustle and bustle of your life, and reflect deeply about your past and your future, and ponder and plan the direction of your life... distraction FREE.
Think about how much you can accomplish in an IMMERSIVE environment with the most supportive, stimulating, and insightful group of people and mentorship from me... free from daily demands and interruptions.

Oh, and I almost forgot... No bullshit theories allowed!
We don't just sit around talking about untested theories. Our Aura Mastermind members are the "real warriors" in the trenches of real life passion, connection, love, business... every day.
You must be willing to execute and APPLY the amazing advice and ideas you learn. If not, please don't apply.
ONE great piece of advice applied is worth more than a thousand ordinary ones.

Implementing a single strategy you discover at a Summit can return your entire year's investment in a moment. And to hear most members tell it, this happened dozens of times during EVERY single Summit.
The opportunities are right in front of you for the taking, so you can model the success of your peers and attain much higher level of success.
But don't worry... The Mastermind Summits are not all work. We also know how to have a grand time, as you'll soon see...
Undoubtedly, you will enjoy the esprit de corps that comes from luxuriating in the most spectacular locations in the world with a close-knit group of peers.
Aura Mastermind DEFINITELY Has Its Privileges

Summits (Value $40,000.00+ USD)
At our exclusive Mastermind Summits, you will get personal mentoring from David Tian, Ph.D., to guide you to find and use your One Big Key. These Summits give you at least 10 days a year of live personal mentorship with David and the Mastermind group. At each of our Summits, you’ll get focused strategy time to actually take a step back from the hustle and bustle of your life, and reflect deeply about your past and your future, and ponder and plan the direction of your life, distraction FREE. Think about how much you can accomplish in an IMMERSIVE environment with the most supportive, stimulating, and insightful group of people and mentorship from me, free from daily demands and interruptions. Your membership clock will start only once you attend your first live event, which are held at least three times a year in Asia, Europe, and North America. If you miss at least two Summits, you may attend any Summit the following year, complimentary. In other words, you will have at least two years in which to participate in at least two Summits. These are private events led by David Tian personally, not his staff or trainers. He directs the Summits himself, personally mentoring you and setting you up for life-long success. Limited to 12 members, unless otherwise noted.
BONUS #1: At Least Five Private One-On-One Coaching Sessions (Value $10,000.00+ USD)
Each Mastermind membership includes a private, customized coaching program with Dr. David Tian personally. David’s private coaching availability is fully booked months ahead. However, as an Aura Mastermind member, you’ll be given a private coaching program of at least 5 sessions during the year to ensure you crush your goals and more.
BONUS #2: Platinum Partnership Lifetime Access (Value: $5,000.00+ USD)
Complete access to ALL of our current critically acclaimed, online training programs, including FreedomU, the Legendary Coaching Group, Limitless, Invincible, 10 Weeks To Freedom, Awakenings, Rock Solid Relationships, Lifestyle Mastery, Masculine Mastery, Social Circle Mastery, Styling Secrets for Men, Charisma Code, Conversation Vortex, The Perfect Date System. All our best stuff. Everything is included. Our entire product catalog — past, present, and even access to all online programs I make in the future.
BONUS #3: Mastermind Secret Facebook Group for Accountability and Advice (Value: $1,000.00+ USD)
This is a member favorite… because this is where you can get damn near any question answered almost immediately by a Mastermind adviser or a fellow member. This group will also hold your feet to the fire every week. So you know that no matter what challenges life throws at you, you always have this group to support you every step of the way. Also, if you commit to a plan at one week, you will be held accountable to that plan in the next. And heaven help you if fail to do what you said you would do. Mastermind members are brutally honest (as real friends are), and they can smell B.S. a mile away. Just know, however, that they always have your best interest at heart. This level of access is so prized that we’ve received offers of $1,000 just for access to this online group.
Nothing Less Than Extraordinary
Kenneth D., 31, Entrepreneur, Singapore
You can’t be a champion without knowing a champion. Whether you’re engaging with your mentors, collaborating with your peers, or observing your competitors, you need to surround yourself with greatness to become great.
Joining what has become David’s Mastermind was exactly what I needed to conquer every major part of my life--women and my social life, of course, but also health and fitness--and what I learned even improved my results in business networking and managing my team.
Observing David in his own element and getting access to his personal network… literally changed my life. This was the single most impactful decision I've made in my life so far.
You Won't Find This Experience Anywhere Else

Because I've found when I get involved in a client relationship at this level -- like our members get through the Mastermind -- I come to trust the people I coach and work with...
The Aura Mastermind membership is extremely limited. Millions of people worldwide have been exposed to David Tian's advice online. More than 100,000 people from over 87 nations of the world have been impacted by David Tian's coaching courses. Only twelve individuals will be selected into the Aura Mastermind.
That's one reason why this Mastermind has to be very selective. I’m actually opening up my personal life and exclusive network to you as a member of my inner circle. You’ll have to go through a rigorous application process.
Obviously because of the level of trust involved, not just between you and me, but also between you and my close peer group...
Once annual charter membership is full, you will be unable to gain admittance unless an existing member departs.
Membership may be renewed annually, by invitation only.
Clearly the Mastermind is not for everyone, nor is it meant to be.
If, however, you know this opportunity is for you, I invite you to apply by requesting an interview below.
So How Do You Get Into The Aura Mastermind?
Here's what you need to do now:
- Click the button below to place your application deposit of 100 USD. This deposit is to guarantee your application appointment. In the event that your application is rejected, your deposit will be refunded to you as soon as possible. (Note: The application deposit is only refundable if you appear for your interview. Failure to appear for the application interview forfeits the application deposit. Out of respect for our team's time and resources, we ask that only serious applicants apply.) Once you place your refundable deposit, you'll be taken to an appointment scheduling page.
- Choose your application appointment time slot (if none of the time slots are convenient for you, simply email us at support@auradating.com and we'll arrange a convenient time for you)
What Happens In The Application Appointment?
Every application for the Aura Mastermind requires a live interview, conducted through an online call. You'll hop on your live interview with one of our senior staff to discuss whether you are a good fit for the Mastermind. You can also get all your remaining questions about the Mastermind answered during this call.

Prepare for the doors of The Good Life to open magically for you in a way you could only imagine before.
This is a "high-end" coaching program, meaning that it's at the top end of the tuition range we charge. So only apply if you're ready for something like this financially.
If selected, annual dues during this enrollment period start at US$12,500. A payment plan option is also available.
This investment is non-negotiable. And frankly, if it seems expensive or out of reach, that's a good sign that you're not a great fit for this group.
That may sound harsh, but think about it...
If we deliver what we promise -- the skills, knowledge, experience, and training you'd get from your Mastermind journey in dating, relationships, health, wealth, and happiness -- you'll be able to profit from these benefits, advantages, and opportunities for the rest of your life.
The power to make your relationships PASSIONATE.
Health, fitness, and diet to give you the ENERGY and well-being to accomplish all your relationship, professional, and personal goals.
Powerful connections, networking, and mentorship in your business and career.
Forge real relationships and friendships that last a lifetime.
Throw in the opportunity cost and growth potential, and the dues become a total no-brainer.
There is no other dating, relationships, or psychological development Mastermind at this level... not even close.
But wait, there's even more...

BONUS #4: Your Golden Ticket (Value: $3,000.00)
As an Aura Mastermind member, you get free VIP access to ALL and ANY of our events and live trainings at Aura Transformation Academy… anywhere on earth… for the entire year.

So now I have a question for you...
Do You Want In?
If you're reading this page and the APPLY NOW button is still active, then we are in our open enrollment period, but time is short and we can't hold coveted spots while you dilly-dally.
Plus, our next Summit is coming up soon, so we need to get the ball rolling.
No hard feelings if you can't join us right now, but if you're on the fence, I highly recommend you apply, and see what happens.

Even if you don't get in, at least we'll know who you are and a little more about your background, and I promise we'll do what we can to help you out and point you in the right direction.
The way we see it, it's the least we can do if someone has the patience to read this far and the guts to apply.
But at the end of the day, there's only one way to find out... Place your deposit and schedule your application interview.
Make This Your Best Year Ever
There Is No Obligation To Join If You Apply.
Once you place your deposit, you will be contacted by one of our senior staff to arrange your application interview.
Do yourself a favor. Get it done. Get it handled.
Apply below now.

Frequently Asked Questions
How is this different from other Mastermind groups out there?
In brief, the difference is ME. Personal mentorship from me, David Tian, Ph.D.
Are the other members and mentors amazing?
Is there value in spending personal time with them?
Of course!
But what you're really getting here is me... personally guiding you to find and implement your One Big Insight... again and again... analyzing your problems and helping you follow through each step of the way.
It's like getting a huge discount on my $100,000 per year private coaching rate... and then being able to hang out with an awesome, supportive community of like-minded achievers in the process.
Then there's the fact that I give all my Mastermind members my private Whatsapp and encourage them to call or text whenever they need something.
You see? Different. Not "just another group." Not "just more coaching." Not by any stretch.
When and where are the meetings?
Meetings are held at least three times a year in different parts of the world. In the past, some of the places we have held Summits in New York City, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Toronto, London, Budapest, Singapore, Bangkok, Bali, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Macau, Beijing, Siem Reap, and Ho Chi Minh.
While you are not required or even expected to attend every Summit, we do ask that you attend at least once during your 12-month membership.
In fact, if in your membership year, you're unable to attend at least two Summits, you may attend any Summit the following year, complimentary. In other words, you have at least two years in which to participate in at least two Summits.
All our Summits are conducted over the weekends and are held in world class, 5-star luxury hotels, resorts, or villas.
How many members are in the Aura Mastermind?
The Aura Mastermind is currently capped at 12 client members. Often, there are more Advisory Board members and guests speakers at a Summit than client members, so you'll always get plenty of personal guidance, interaction, and feedback. This level of personal attention is a hallmark of a true mastermind and peer group.
How do I know if I'm eligible to be a member?
As a general rule, you must have already started on one of our major online training programs, such as FreedomU, Invincible, Rock Solid Relationships, Lifestyle Mastery, etc. But we do make exceptions for members who are driven, committed to transformation, and can bring a special level of insight to benefit the entire group.
To put it simply, if you're actively developing yourself and growing, and you personally have something to add to the group, then we would love for you to apply.
How long will it take to find out if I am accepted?
All applications require an interview. After the interview is complete, application decisions are typically made within the day but may take up to 5 business days for approval.
Just to recap...

Remember, Here's How You Apply
Here's what you need to do now:
Click the button below to place your refundable application deposit of 100 USD. This deposit is to guarantee your application appointment. In the event that your application is rejected, your deposit will be refunded to you as soon as possible. (Note: The application deposit is only refundable if you appear for your interview. Failure to appear for the application interview forfeits the application deposit. Out of respect for our team's time and resources, we ask that only serious applicants apply.)
Once you place your application deposit, a member of our team will reach out to you by email to arrange your application interview.
Claim Your Place In
The Aura Mastermind
Once you place your application deposit, a member of our team will reach out to you to arrange your application interview.