In the summer of 2007, I decided to start a blog that would chronicle my thoughts and experiences with women. I’ve been fortunate to have a great readership, and on this page, you can find some of the the articles that inspired readers and helped the blog achieve its underground notoriety. Keep in mind that most of the articles were written during my formative phase many years ago as I was figuring things out for myself.
Many men struggle with breaking out of their wussy neediness and want to learn how to become a strong, independent, attractive man. If that’s you, check out How to Cure Neediness.
If you want to be with high quality women, you have to learn how to have Believability: The Key to Elite Game.
Value is Relative and How to do Challenge Screening is one of my favorite articles on the mindset and techniques required to meet models and other beautiful women.
In Is it Easier or Tougher for Foreign Guys in Asia, I discuss some of the common misconceptions about social and racial advantages and disadvantages of being a foreigner and meeting Asian women.
Read about The Superiority of Internally-Driven Game. As opposed to just learning a technique, it’s far better to internalize the principles and mindset behind it.
My article about Outcome Independence, and How to Have Fun is meant to help guys who get too “into their heads” when they’re out at the bar and talking with women.
When women doubt you, your motives, or your strength as a man, you want to be armed with The Secret to Handling Shit Tests.
If you keep getting the dreaded, “Let’s just be friends” speech and want women to start thinking of you as more than just a friend, then learn How to Project a Sexual Vibe.
For exemplary models of the Rake style, see this post on Two of the Top Naturals in the World: Russell Brand and Robbie Williams.
To see some of my latest musings on empowering Asian male minorities, see Empowering the Asian Man and Empowering the Asian Man II.
For my thoughts on the bigger picture of life mastery and success, see my Top 10 Tips for Success.
Don’t waste your time reinventing the wheel. Before diving into the mountains of attraction arts products out there, first check out these Required Readings.
Along similar lines, see my post on Excellent Movies for Modeling. I will continue to update it, so feel free to make further suggestions.
What’s the ideal male body type that attracts women universally, throughout history and across cultures? Find out here how to get in shape and see how you can get yourself to look like that in just 3 months.
For any reader in Singapore, please read this important statement clearing up a few persistent misconceptions arising from the feature article in The New Paper: My Real Claim to Fame.
Check back for more posts from time to time, and make sure you check out my products page, where I go into much more depth on the skills and mindsets that will enable you to find fulfillment, happiness, and success in your love life.