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Why David?

David Tian, Ph.D., is a Leadership Coach, Certified IFS Therapy Practitioner, former university professor, and a uniquely qualified international specialist in human behavior and emotional intelligence, and a global educator, researcher, speaker, and author.

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This Free Assessment Reveals Your #1 Next Best Step to Succeed in Dating, Relationships, or Emotional Mastery

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David Tian is a true pioneer and innovator in his field. While I have always had no shortage of women around me, I never truly felt in control of my emotions and choices, and often found myself reacting to the ‘issues’ and games that women were engineering. David taught me how to build a bulletproof inner frame, and now I have full control over my dating life – I have amazing women pursuing me and I find that I am able to choose what kind of relationship(s) I want with the women I want. As a result I feel a lot more empowered, fulfilled and in control. I am no longer having to spend tens of thousands of dollars to try and prove my value/worth to women.

Ben S., 32

I am a mental health professional with over 5 years of experience. I’ve been married for over 9 years and have two children… If you’ve “been there and done that” with the dating scene, or if you’re in a relationship that you’d like to grow — especially when it comes to your masculine core — then this unique program is perfect for you…. David’s coaching is unlike any other courses in this area I’ve ever seen, and I think I’ve seen it all… A key insight David gets from the psychoanalytic theorists is how the dating woes of many men can be traced back to unmet needs in their childhood — needs that we all have for love, connection, certainly, and significance. His courses include masterfully executed guided meditations, which led to several breakthrough emotional insights for me personally. Cognitive understanding alone isn’t enough for life change. And that’s where these guided meditations really take it to the next level in terms of emotional transformation.

Ari G. L., 43

Aloha David. You speak the truth and I love it. The reason I love your work is because it is one of the best channels I’ve run across to give women like me a window into the kind of situations men run into, how men think, and truthful opinions from a man’s point of view about what confused, young, and/or game-playing women do to men that contributes to their confusion. I so very much appreciate your ‘man up’ (know WTF you’re really doing as a man) and ‘man of integrity’ orientation because that is EXACTLY what women like me are looking for. Keep it up! I will continue to follow with keen interest.

Candace H., 29

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David Tian InvincibleDavid Tian Invincible Review | David Tien Philosophy

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